Before Christmas at College we did a Live Stream music event involving students from several departments. Originally I was asked to be Floor Manager and a Standby Camera Operator, but after chatting to the original director he wanted to be Floor Manager and I was happy stepping up to be director. This involved me cueing the presenters, cueing the cameras on what shots to get, and cueing the Tricaster operator on when to cut between different camera views. Due to this last minute change I’m not down as Director as the Credits had been created before this change. But you can see me in the behind the scenes video at 2mins34 holding the mic talking to the actors and camera operators.
This was a one and a half hour livestream performance, this was challenging as it’s not the form of Directing where I feel I’m most experienced in but it’s one that I’m more than happy to take on. During the Live Stream we ran into an issue where when I would ask for a fade between shots, on the live monitor it would show the shot fading, but then cut back to the original shot. To solve this problem I decided to not use fades from then on. We were worried this problem was livestreamed to the world but friends and family watching it said they didn’t notice it which was good.